Three Things To Know About Battery-Operated Garage Door Openers (And Why You Should Avoid Or Replace Them)

A lot of homeowners opt to have an electric garage door opener installed. It requires hiring an electrician so that the garage door is hard-wired into the electrical system on the property and the garage's electrical system. The added expense may not be something you want to pay, so you may be tempted to install a battery-operated garage door opener yourself. Before you do that, there are a few things you should know about battery-operated garage door openers, and why you should either avoid or replace them (if you already have one).

​Dead Or Dying Batteries Frequently Cause Operational Problems

​Just like anything else that requires a battery, garage door openers of this type will start having operational problems the minute the batteries start dying or die. That means you will get a lot of jerkiness during the opening and closing of the garage door, and the door may even get stuck in a halfway open or closed position. Then you have to either call a garage door repair technician or climb up to replace the batteries to see if you can get the opener to start working properly again. If you replace the batteries, and the door is still stuck, you will still need to call the technician. 

If The Opener Does Not Have Enough Horsepower And Battery Power, It Cannot Lift The Door

​Another thing to take into consideration is the fact that battery-operated garage doors are designed with small, very lightweight garage doors in mind. They do not have enough battery power or horsepower in their motors to haul up a double-wide door or a door made of a particularly heavy material. If you install this type of garage door opener on a large or very heavy garage door, it will not be able to do the job you expect it to do. Then it has to be uninstalled and an electrical/wired garage door will need to be installed in its place. That means it will actually cost you more than you intended when the project is finally completed.

Battery-Operated Garage Door Openers Are More Trouble Than They Are Worth

​You may find yourself calling the repair technician to come and look at the garage door opener more often. These openers struggle with having enough continuous power to open and close your garage door. They can even suffer from motor burnout, which means you might have to replace yours several times over the decades that you own your home
